MOL diversifies its sources of supply through Omisalj port

06.08.2013 u 10:30


The first cargo of crude oil arrived on Saturday to Omisalj port, Croatia, following MOL contract with the Croatian oil pipeline operator company JANAF, for the transportation of crude oil, which has been signed earlier this summer, read a statement issued by the Hungarian oil company.

The contract between MOL and JANAF covers transportation of approximately 240.000 tonnes of crude oil for the period between 1 August and 31 December 2013. The cooperation between the two companies is not recent as this route has already been used in earlier years. The new cooperation in crude oil transit will be a continuous project. The crude oil will be pumped via JANAF system and Adria pipeline system to Duna Refinery, the statement said.

"This cooperation is a good fit with MOL Group’s Downstream objectives as it secures access to the liquid Mediterranean crude markets. The renewal of the deliveries assures possibilities for MOL to test several types of crude oil and gives opportunity to follow market changes more flexibly," said Ferenc Horváth, MOL Group Executive Vice President for Downstream.

Dragan Kovacevic, Chairman of the JANAF Management Board & CEO, said: "It is a confirmation of strengthening JANAF's position on the European energy map and this cooperation will be an incentive for some new business activities with both MOL Group and other strategic partners. Owing to business decisions of the Management Board made until now, JANAF is positioned as company that adjusts its business operations to the market requirements and needs of its business partners. We are of opinion that, conducting business in such way, JANAF can achieve even better business results in the following period. All this, among others, contributes to the development of the economy in entirety."