
Parl't Presidency without agreement on continuation of current session

18.10.2011 u 13:07


Representatives of Croatian parliamentary parties failed to reach agreement at a session of the Parliament Presidency on Tuesday on which items should be discussed and put to the vote before the end of the current, last parliamentary session, and decided to form a task force to reach agreement on the matter.

Leaders of the parliamentary parties making up the opposition coalition led by the Social Democrats (SDP), who last week boycotted the Parliament, proposed at the session of the Parliament Presidency that a vote be taken on five laws from the so-called EU legislation package, on a decision on an interim state budget in the first quarter of 2012, on the Declaration on European Values, and on a decision to dissolve the parliament ahead of elections set for December 4.

Leaders of the SDP and HNS/HSU party clubs of deputies, Milanka Opacic and Vesna Pusic, told reporters that by putting forward such a proposal the opposition coalition was showing that it was in favour of a compromise, but that the ruling HDZ party insisted that all planned laws and decisions should be adopted before the parliament was dissolved.

Parliament Speaker Luka Bebic told reporters that the task force, to start working tomorrow, would try to reach an agreement also on some other laws which the parliament would discuss and put to the vote.