Kornat tragedy

Prosecution requests jail for fire commander for twelve deaths on Kornati

03.09.2013 u 17:26


The prosecutor in the case of the 2007 Kornat tragedy on Tuesday requested Zadar County Court for an "appropriate" prison sentence for former fire commander Drazen Slavica whom he considers responsible for the death of twelve fire-fighters on Kornat island and serious injuries of the only surviving fire-fighter in that tragedy, Frane Lucic.

"The accused Drazen Slavica is directly guilty for the death of twelve fire-fighters on Kornat island and the serious injury of the only survivor Frane Lucic and as such I urge that the trial chamber proclaims him guilty and gives him an appropriate prison sentence", prosecutor Zvonko Ivic said in his closing statement. Ivic added that the fire-fighters would have been alive and the tragedy would not have occurred had the accused Slavica not violated 13 regulations.

Speaking on behalf of the families of the twelve dead fire-fighters, Maro Mihocevic said that even after six years since the tragedy, the causes of the tragedy have not been established.

"These proceedings are being conducted for the sake of those who fell victim and their families who are seeking the truth and who will not stop searching for the truth even after the proceedings are concluded", he said. He added that several errors had been made in the investigation and that is why the cause of the tragedy is still not known and several theories like that of a misplaced bomb, have not even been considered or investigated, he said.

The defence will make its closing statement on Wednesday and a sentence could be issued next week. If found guilty Slavica could be sentenced to 3 to 15 year's in jail.