SDP convention

SDP ministers announce campaign for SDP victory of 2013 local elections

13.05.2012 u 16:51


Six government ministers of the Social Democratic Party (SDP), who on Sunday attended a convention of the SDP branch in Split, announced that the strategy of this party would be to win the local elections in 2013, notably in Dalmatia.

"The SDP won the presidential and parliamentary elections, and now we should win the local elections," said Labour and Pension System Minister Mirando Mrsic.

In the next 12 months in the run-up the local elections, the SDP will focus on Dalmatia, Mrsic said the SDP gathering at which the local branch presented its work in the past year.

Deputy Prime Minister Neven Mimica said that the forthcoming SDP election convention on 2 June at which the party would elect new vice presidents and other senior officials was important in order to further strengthen "the ties between the SDP and the predominantly-SDP government".

According to him, the public is currently dissatisfied with the measures which the incumbent government is taking and the perception about "the government's incapability" is being created.

"We want to have the first impact of the government's measures being felt in the everyday life until the end of this year," Mimica said adding that the goal of this government that came to power after the December 2011 elections is to ensure the Gross Domestic Product growth of four to five percent annually by the end of its four year term.

Deputy Prime Minister Branko Grcic said that the SDP had now the special responsibility for the situation in the country.

Croatia has been on the economic decline for three years when the investments have been cut by 33 percent," Grcic said adding that the current government had embarked on easing the burden on the economy and this year "we have made available more than three billion kuna to the economy, and enterprises will be able to take loans with the zero interest rate as this has been made possible for them by the government," Grcic said.