Serbia - Kosovo

Bildt calls for dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo

08.12.2010 u 16:51


Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt called on Serbia and Kosovo on Wednesday to launch dialogue as soon a possible and commended Serbia's progress in the process of drawing closer to the European Union.

After talking to Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic, Bildt pointed to the coming parliamentary elections in Kosovo and underlined the need for Belgrade and Pristina to start dialogue - "the sooner, the better".

Bildt said Serbia had made progress in the process of joining the EU, but warned that there were still some outstanding issues.

Serbia is progressing well, there are still some unresolved issues, but progress is visible and I believe the EU will recognise that, Bildt told reporters after the meeting with Jeremic.

Jeremic reiterated that Serbia's objective was to gain an official EU candidate status in 2011.