
Croatia's gross foreign debt in late September exceeds EUR 42 bln

10.01.2010 u 14:16


Croatia's gross foreign debt at the end of September 2009 totalled EUR 42.76 billion, according to the latest figures released by the Croatian National Bank (HNB).

In 2009, Croatia's external debt went up by EUR 3.4 billion.

The September increase in the foreign debt was mostly generated by debtsbased on direct investments and business loans.

The overall foreign debts of other domestic sectors (mostly companies) atthe end of September amounted to EUR 21.4 billion, up 1.4 billion in relationto late 2008.

The total foreign debt of other domestic sectors amounted to 50.1 percent ofthe country's foreign debt.

Direct investment debt increased in the first nine months of 2009 increasedby EUR 1.9 billion and amounted to over EUR 7 billion at the end September, or16.4 percent of the total foreign debt.

The banks' overall foreign debt in the first nine months rose by EUR 143million to EUR 10.2 billion, or 23.8 percent of the country's gross foreigndebt.

The government's foreign debt in the first nine months of 2009, however,dropped by EUR 60 million.

The government's foreign debt at the end of September totalled EUR 4.1billion, or 9.6 percent of the country's overall foreign debt.