Jessa voli i dečke i cure

04.07.2016 u 09:21


Dugi niz godina ova je bujna Amerikanka mislila da nije normalna jer joj se sviđaju i djevojke i muškarci

Jessa Hinton je još u osnovnoj školi shvatila da je totalno drukčija od drugih. Oduvijek je htjela da joj školske prijateljice budu više od prijateljica, no tek je u dvadesetim godinama svog života spoznala da je biseksualna.

'Ja se zaljubljujem u ljude, u njihove kakartere, a ne u ono što imaju u gaćama!', otvorena nam je priznala ova 32-godišnjakinja. 'Ljubav je slobodna, a ja sam otvorena za sve ljude dobra srca, bili oni muškarci, žene ili nešto treće!' neustrašivo nam je rekla.

Prije negoli je postala manekenkom, Jessa je imala uspješnu gimnastičarsku karijeru koju je morala prekinuti jer je kao tinejdžerica polomila gležanj desne noge. Da se nastavila baviti gimnastikom zasigurno ne bi završila glumeći u TV seriji 'Baywatch', niti na naslovnici časopisa Playboy. To se zove sreća u nesreći!

When @ryanastamendiphotography puts me in the "field of dreams". ☀️??

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When you're feeling like a lion.

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???????????? (?? @ryanastamendiphotography ?? @briavalencia ???? @fpinasco )

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For my female followers, this post is for you❤️ its long I know, but I hope it's worth it. I came into the modeling industry late in the game (26 to be exact and after having Ky) and I'd like to say I was fortunate enough to have a good head on my shoulders. I have been called pretty much every sh*tty name. Old, fat, anorexic, someone who needs to eat a cheeseburger. Someone who needs to stop eating cheeseburgers. Whatever it was, I didn't give a sh*t. Until I broke and let it affect me. I sunk into a hole and couldn't get myself out. I stopped eating and hated who I saw in the mirror. I was lying to people around me saying that I had just eaten, even tho I hadn't. I avoided dinners where I'd be tempted & then I'd sneak cereal in the middle of the night. Because I felt guilty. For the men and women who like to sit behind social media & troll/ make rude comments... You don't understand & I get that. I have very little to complain about and a lot to be thankful for. But you are not me, nor the other people who have struggled with body dis morphia. At age 27 I became anorexic & self loathing. After almost a year of self sabotage, the support team around me pulled my ass out and I started saying F*ck this. I wasn't happy and wanted to start becoming happy again. Anorexia is a disease and all eating disorders should be taken seriously. If you have been following me for a while now you know I love my pizza. And my Carl's jr. And well.... Just about everything. I had to cut back because I wasn't feeling healthy. I liked how I looked but I felt sluggish and not as productive. I made the choice to cut out dairy and cut back on wine/ most breads. I STILL enjoy but not as much. I feel better than ever. Most people would say their 20's are their prime. Bi%ch I'm loving how my 30's are going. This is an Un-edited pic from @dreamstatelive wearing @christineholly 's new swimsuit line. These 2 people are very special to me and know how to make a woman feel beautiful. With self love, hard work and a good support team.... No matter if you've had a baby, what your age or weight is- Kid, you'll move mountains ❤️ I stand and support all you ladies out there doing your thing!

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