War profiteering?

Linic says int. minister, police director framing him

16.05.2011 u 12:37


Slavko Linic, an MP of the strongest opposition Social Democratic Party (SDP), said on Sunday he was not worried about an anonymous police report filed against him for war profiteering, adding that Interior Minister Tomislav Karamarko and Police Director Oliver Grbic were trying to frame him.

The anonymous report accuses Linic and several other persons of the disappearance of DEM 800,000 intended for a weapons purchase from Slovenia in July 1991. At the time, Linic was the mayor of Rijeka and head of the Crisis Centre.

Speaking to Nova TV on Sunday after returning from the US, Linic said he had not been summoned to a police interview yet and that he found out about this matter from reporters who had been calling him.

Linic once again called Karamarko "a big spy," accusing him and Grbic of setting him up. He said he did not become rich in the 1991-95 war. "I live well, but I can't say that I'm rich, especially not as rich as Karamarko."

Linic said the money was not stolen, as all the funds for weapons purchases had been paid into accounts and that when the weapons had not been delivered, the money was paid back into the account of the Rijeka municipality.

Linic said he was waiting to see what the police would ask him and that it was even more important what they would write.

Police started acting on the report after parliament passed a law stipulating that statute of limitations does not apply to war profiteering.