EU referendum

GONG calls for delay of EU membership referendum

~1 min

20.12.2011 u 14:36


The non-governmental election-monitoring organisation GONG on Tuesday called for delaying a referendum on Croatia's accession to the European Union, citing legislative shortcomings and citizens' lack of information about EU membership.

President Ivo Josipovic announced on Monday that the referendum would be held on January 22. GONG Council Chairman Bert Salaj said he was surprised by Josipovic's statement that he was aware of shortcomings in referendum legislation, but that there was no time for legislative changes now, stressing the need for a comprehensive information campaign.

GONG Council member Tamara Capeta said that it would be best if the referendum was held in the middle or second half of February.

Among the legislative shortcomings they mentioned unclear procedures for out-of-country voting, unclear composition of voter committees, and unspecified sources of funding.