Bosnia and Herzegovina

PIC: B. Serbs obstructing Bosnia's Euro-Atlantic integration

15.09.2010 u 22:07


The Peace Implementation Council (PIC) warned the Bosnian Serb authorities on Wednesday that by adopting the law claiming ownership of all state property situated in the Bosnian Serb entity, they had delayed the Euro-Atlantic integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The PIC said in a statement that the adoption of "the Law on the Status of State Property Situated on the Territory of the Republika Srpska and Under the Disposal Ban is a unilateral act that undermines the long-term effort to allocate state property in a way that ensures the functionality of all levels of authority in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and that will actually benefit all citizens in the country."

The PIC, comprised of representatives of big powers, oversees the implementation of the Dayton agreement that ended the country's 1992-1995 war.

"Resolving the issues of state and defence property in a sustainable way is necessary to ensure that BiH has the necessary resources to meet the challenges ahead, including accession to the European Union and Bosnia and Herzegovina's full participation in NATO's Membership Action Plan," the statement said.