Serbia - EU

Kacin: Start date for EU entry talks depends on Serbia

05.07.2013 u 07:30


The European Parliament's rapporteur on the Western Balkans, Jelko Kacin, said on an official visit to Belgrade on Thursday that it would depend on Serbia when it would be given a date for the start of negotiations on European Union membership, noting that Brussels' decision of June 28 meant a green light.

"I would say that Serbia was given a green light, although everyone here says that it was given a date. I know nothing about the date, because the date will be chosen by Serbia itself based on the steps it will take next, which will show whether it is ready to move from words to deeds," Kacin told the press in the Serbian Parliament building, noting that it would not be a surprise if accession negations began before January.

"Everyone in Europe is encouraging Serbia to open negotiations with chapters 23 and 24, because those are the toughest chapters," he said and added that the Serbs should see the European integration process as their chance for foreign investments and new jobs.

Kacin announced that EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton and Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fuele would visit Serbia soon.