Purda case

Lawyer Muselimovic visits Purda in Zenica detenion

12.01.2011 u 14:27


Lawyer Josip Muselimovic from the southern Bosnia and Herzegovina town of Mostar met Vukovar war veteran Tihomir Purda in the detention centre in Zenica on Wednesday.

After the meeting, the lawyer said he would file a request to judicial and political institutions in Zagreb that his client be extradited to Croatia and that a trial against him be held there.

Muselimovic told the media in Mostar they would not send any request to Serbia.

He stressed that Purda expected to be extradited to Croatia as he did not believe he would stand a fair trial in Serbia.

"He expects to be transferred to Croatia and I believe that would be the only right solution. There are simply no legal prerequisites for his case to be singled out and for a verdict to be handed down accordingly. It will be impossible to establish the truth without the participation of the other persons involved," Muselimovic said.

He said that Purda was apprehended in Bosnia on a "Red Notice" issued by Interpol for his arrest, on suspicion of war crimes against infirm and wounded people.

Purda objected to his extradition to Serbia at an extradition hearing held at the State Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina last week, and the court ordered the launching of proceedings envisaged in such cases.

Purda was placed in 18-day detention during which the Serbian judiciary is required to forward to the State Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina a formal extradition request with the necessary documentation.