
Registered unemployment rate for July 16.4 pct

20.08.2010 u 16:40


The registered unemployment rate in Croatia for July was 16.4 per cent, down 0.2 percentage points from June, the Central Bureau of Statistics said on Friday.

July was the fourth consecutive month to record a decrease of the unemployment rate. The unemployment rate in May was 17.2 per cent and in April 17.9 per cent. The March registered unemployment rate of 18.4 per cent was the highest in more than four years.

Year-on-year, registered unemployment in July was up 2.4 per cent from July 2009.

At the end of July 2010, 282,792 persons were registered as unemployed with the Croatian Employment Service, down 1.1 per cent on the month and up 13.8 per cent on the year.